1. Osaka - Japanse krijgsgevangenkampen
Noda lag aan de oever van het Biwa-meer, dat zich ten noord-oosten van Kyoto uitstrekte. Noda lag enige kilometers ten noorden van Yasu aan de spoorlijn ...
Osaka Noda M-Japan
„WAAR LAG DE NODA"? In een zeer bekende oorkonde uit het jaar 1165 1) geeft keizer. Frederik I Barbarossa aan bisschop en ingezetenen van het Sticht verlof ...
3. [PDF] Frederik Barbarossa en de Noda in 1165 - Waterstaatsgeschiedenis
Stathe lag dus in het noordwesten van de stad aan de Vecht en niet aan de Rijn tegen- over de Neude. Na 1127 wordt Stathe niet meer genoemd, wat ook klopt ...
4. Frederik Barbarossa en de Noda in 1165 | Hydrotheek - WUR Library
In het Oorkondeboek van Holland en Zeeland is onder nummer 158 een oorkonde van 1165 opgenomen, waarin keizer Barbarossa op verzoek van de bisschop van Utrecht ...
AUTHOR(S)= Winter, J.M. van \ Vereniging voor Waterstaatsgeschiedenis \ Vereniging voor Waterstaatsgeschiedenis. \ ; PUBLISHER=Vereniging voor WaterstaatsgeschiedenisVereniging voor Waterstaatsgeschiedenis, [S.l.][S.l.], SOURCE= Tijdschrift voor waterstaatsgeschiedenis / [uitg. van de Vereniging voor Waterstaatsgeschiedenis]Tijdschrift voor waterstaatsgeschiedenis, 22(2013)1 p. 1 - 5, SOURCE= , (2013) p. 1 - 5, SOURCE= , (2013) p. 1 - 5
5. DARK - Nordnorsk Design- og Arkitektursenter
NODA vil vekke nysgjerrighet og inspirere til nytenking rundt bruk av design og arkitektur i Nord-Norge gjennom seminarer, workshops, debatter og utstillinger.
Happening in Northern Norway, DARK is the world’s northernmost design and architecture festival. Showcasing and discussing how our professions are useful in all societal development.
6. Noda continues to lag in surveys despite reshuffle - Taipei Times
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's recent Cabinet reshuffle has failed to lift his public support ratings, newspaper polls showed yesterday.
Bringing Taiwan to the World and the World to Taiwan
7. Analysis of Reduction in Lag Phenomena and Current Collapse in ...
Saito, Y., Tsurumaki, R., Noda, N., & Horio, K. (2018). Analysis of Reduction in Lag Phenomena and Current Collapse in Field-Plate AlGaN/GaN HEMTs With High ...
We make a 2-D transient analysis of field-plate AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with a semi-insulating buffer layer, where only a deep acceptor above the midgap is considered. The deep-acceptor density is varied between 1017 cm-3and 8 × 1017 cm-3. It is studied how the deep-acceptor density and the field plate affect the buffer-related drain lag and gate lag, and current collapse. It is shown that the lags and current collapse are reduced by introducing a field plate. This reduction occurs because electron trapping by the deep acceptors is weakened by the field plate. It is also shown that without a field plate, the drain lag and current collapse increase with increasing the deep-acceptor density as expected, although the gate lag decreases when the deep-acceptor density becomes high in the region between 2 × 1017 cm-3and 8 × 1017 cm-3. On the other hand, with a field plate, surprisingly, the lags and current collapse decrease when the deep-acceptor density becomes high. This is attributed to the fact that the reduction in drain lag and current collapse by introducing a field plate becomes more significant when the deep-acceptor density becomes higher.
8. DARK 2023 - Nordnorsk Design- og Arkitektursenter
Vi involverer og engasjerer et bredt lag av befolkningen, og inviterer til dialog mellom faggrupper. Kontakt. NODA Nordnorsk Design- og Arkitektursenter
Happening in Northern Norway, DARK is the world’s northernmost design and architecture festival. Showcasing and discussing how our professions are useful in all societal development.
9. DARK conference - Nordnorsk Design- og Arkitektursenter
12:05 The impact of Design and Architecture on society in Northern Norway - Kjersti Monsen, Director of NODA.
Talks about Paradoxes found in design and architecture of the North. Doors open at 11.30