Ready for some fun and engaging songs to help your preschoolers learn about the garden? Below you’ll find 16 different tunes that your little ones will have a blast learning. Each song on the list is great to sing aloud while you work in the garden with kids.
The easy to learn lyrics and melodies will keep you and your littles ones humming all day. Can you think of a better way to spend your day outside singing along while learning to garden?
Also SeeFlowers,Spring
Planting Time
Original Author: Unknown
Sung to:“Row, Row, Row Your Boat”
Dig, dig, dig the earth
(make digging motion)
Then you plant your seeds
(pretend to drop seeds)
A gentle rain
(Flutter fingers down)
And bright sunshine
(Circle arms above head)
Will help your flowers grow
(Hold one arm parallel to ground and move other arm up behind it with
fingers extended to represent a flower growing)
I’ll Plant A Little Seed
Original Author: Unknown
Sung to:“I’m A Little Teapot”
I’ll plant a little seed in the dark, dark ground.
Out comes the yellow sun, big and round.
Down comes the cool rain, soft and slow.
Up comes the little seed, grow, grow, grow!
A Little Sun
Original Author: Unknown
A little sun (hold arms above head)
A little rain (wiggle fingers in the air in a downward motion)
Now pull up all the weeds (pretend to pull weeds)
Our flowers grow, all in a row (hold up all ten fingers lined up like flowers)
From tiny little seeds. (hold thumb and finger to show size of seeds)
The Seeds Grow
Original Author: Unknown
Sung to:“Farmer in the Dell”
The Gardner plants the seeds
The Gardner plants the seeds
Deep down inside the ground
The Gardner plants the seeds
The rain clouds give them water
The rain clouds give them water
seeds need some water to drink
The rain clouds give them water
The sun gives heat and light
The sun gives heat and light
Seeds like it warm and bright
The sun gives heat and light
The Gardner pulls the weeds
The Gardner pulls the weeds
Seeds need the room to grow
The Gardner pulls the weeds
The seeds grow into flowers
The seeds grow into flowers
Flowers that are beautiful
The seeds grow into flowers
Original Author: Unknown
Sung to:“Twinkle, twinkle little star”
Dig a hole deep in the ground
Spread some tiny seeds around
Pat them down – so they will keep
They are lying fast asleep
Rain will help the seeds to grow
Sunshine keeps them warm I know
I’m a Tiny Seed
Original Author: Unknown
Sung to:“I’m a Little Teapot”
I’m a tiny seed, deep in the ground
I lie asleep – I don’t make a sound
I am waking up now – see me sprout
The Seed Cycle
Original Author: Unknown
Sung to:” Farmer in the Dell”
The farmer sows his seeds.
The farmer sows his seeds.
Hi Ho the dairy-o,
The farmer sows his seeds.
Other verses:
The rain begins to fall…
The sun begins to shine…
The seeds begin to grow..
The plants grow big and tall…
The farmer cuts his corn…
And now the harvest is on….
Mary Planted Her Garden
Original Author: Unknown
Sung to:“Mary Had a Little Lamb”
Mary planted her garden,
her garden, her garden.
Mary planted her garden
with rows of pretty bells.
Mary planted her garden,
her garden her garden.
Mary planted her garden,
With rows of cockleshells
(let children make up additional verses as desired)
Down in the Garden
Original Author: Unknown
Sung to:“Down by the station”
Down in the garden, early in the morning,
See the yellow daffodils all in a row.
(bow heads.)
See them lift their head and
give their horns a blow
(lift head and pretend to blow horns)
Toot, toot, toot, toot, off they go.
Out in My Garden
Original Author: Unknown
Sung to:“Down by the station”
Out in my garden
early in the morning
see the little vegetables all in a row
see the rows of carrots
and the rows pf peas.
Water, hoe, grow, grow
In my garden please.
Dig and Hoe
Original Author: Unknown
Sung to:“My Bonnie lies over the ocean”
In my garden I like to work
In my garden I dig in the ground
In my garden I grow great big vegetables
and have lots of flowers around,
dig, hoe, dig, hoe
In my garden this grow, grow, grow.
Dig, hoe, dig ,hoe
In my garden things grow.
This is the way we plant out seeds
Original Author: Unknown
Sung to:“Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.”
This is the way we plant our seeds,
Plant our seeds, plant our seeds.
This is the way we plant our seeds,
Early in the morning.
This is the way the wind does blow,
Wind does blow, wind does blow.
This is the way the wind does blow,
Early in the morning.
This is the way the rain comes down,
Rain comes down, rain comes down.
This is the way the rain comes down,
Early in the morning.
This is the way the sun shines bright,
Sun shines bright, sun shines bright.
This is the way the sun shines bright,
Early in the morning.
This is the way the seed grows up,
Seed grows up, seed grows up.
This is the way the seed grows up,
Early in the morning.
This is the way we hoe the soil,
Hoe the soil, hoe the soil.
This is the way we hoe the soil,
Early in the morning.
This is the way we pick our beans,
Pick our beans, pick our beans.
This is the way we pick our beans,
Early in the morning.
Over In The Garden
Original Author: Unknown
Sung to:“Over in the Meadow”
Over in the garden with a rake and a hoe,
I’ll plant some little seeds in a nice straight row.
“Grow,” I will say. “Please grow all day long.”
And the little seeds will grow
Into plants big and strong.
My Garden
Original Author: Unknown
This is my garden (Extend one hand forward, palm up)
I’ll rake it with care, (Make raking motion on palm with 3 fingers of other hand)
And then some flower seeds (Plant motion)
I’ll plant in there.
The sun will shine (Make circle with hands)
And the rain will fall, (Let fingers flutter down to lap)
And my garden will blossom (Cup hands together; extend upward slowly)
And grow straight and tall.
The Gardening Song
Original Author: Unknown
First you take a shovel, a rake, and a hoe
Plant a little garden, Plant seeds in a row
Water them and weed them
Through all the summer heat
And then you’ll have some..
Flowers or vegetables to eat.
Planting Song
Original Author Unknown
I took a little seed one day
About a month ago..
I put it in a pot of dirt
In hopes that it would grow.
I poured a little water
To make the soil just right.
I set the pot upon the sill
Where the sun would give it light.
I checked the pot most every day,
And turned it once or twice.
With a little care and water
I helped it grow so nice.